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Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear.- Jane Weideman


My body and my baby tell me what healthy foods they need to function and grow.


I KNOW that this baby will come when he is READY.


I am a Mother - I am not afraid. 


If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it. ~ John H. Kennell, MD


The power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it IS YOU.~ Unknown


It seems that many health professionals involved in antenatal care have not realized that one of their roles should be to protect the emotional state of pregnant women. ~ Michel Odent, MD


I am powerful. 


Attending births is like growing roses. You have to marvel at the ones that just open up and bloom at the first kiss of the sun but you wouldn’t dream of pulling open the petals of the tightly closed buds and forcing them to blossom to your time line. ~ Gloria Lemay


The truth for women living in a modern world is that they must take increasing responsibility for the skills they bring into birth if they want their birth to be natural. Making choices of where and with whom to birth is not the same as bringing knowledge and skills into your birth regardless of where and with whom you birth. ~ Common Knowledge Trust


The whole point of woman-centered birth is the knowledge that a woman is the birth power source. She may need, and deserve, help, but in essence, she always had, currently has, and will have the power. ~ Heather McCue


Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of our greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t only give your care, but give your heart as well. ~ Mother Teresa


Ask me for strength and I will lend not only my hand, but also my heart. ~ Unknown


Muscles send messages to each other. Clenched fists, a tight mouth, a furrowed brow, all send signals to the birth-passage muscles, the very ones that need to be loosened. Opening up to relax these upper-body parts relaxes the lower ones. ~William and Martha Sears


‎The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women. ~Stephen Gaskin


“It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or their wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.” ― Ina May Gaskin, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth


When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, FAITH is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly ~Patrick Overton


According to physiological law, all natural, normal functions of the body are achieved without peril or pain. Birth is a natural, normal physiological function for normal, healthy women and their healthy babies. It can, therefore, be inferred that healthy women, carrying healthy babies, can safely birth without peril or pain. – Dr. Jonathan Dye, 1891


My body knows just what to do, my baby grows just as it should be. - Penny Simkin


Remember this, for it is as true and true gets: Your body is not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic. Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body. ― Ina May Gaskin, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth


“There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it. So should we” ― Ina May Gaskin

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